Rumored Dialogue from the Playful Kiss Wedding Night


Some wholly unsubstantiated rumors about the dialogue between our newlyweds on their wedding night in Playful Kiss. I’m treating this like fan-fiction pending further confirmation, but apparently it was posted on DC Gall and then immediately taken down. Nothing like disappearing posts for it to lend credence to rumors. [Edit: I added some cute Baidu avatars!] 

I’m blushing a pretty pink blush just reading it, but hey, I never presumed to be a source of credible and/or official information. Let’s continue the Playful Kiss spoilery goodness, shall we?

Wedding Night:

*Seung Jo and Ha Ni are in bed – Seung Jo is kissing Ha Ni gently, and Ha Ni is immobilized in the moment*

HN: Ah. That….wait a minute….

SJ: What is it?

HN: *struggling free of Seung Jo’s embrace* That….I need to prepare….

SJ: Heh. Prepare for what?

HN: That…..the stuff a woman needs to prepare for….

SJ: *Smiles – speaks softly to HN* Forget it. I can’t wait any longer….

*Seung Jo continues to kiss Ha Ni gently*

HN: No….wait…. *she grabs Seung Jo’s neck and settles into the mattress*


Seriously, I’m gonna have to recap this?!? Thank heaven I’m not missish. Jung So Min better get herself some bodyguard protection after finishing PK. Once again, this dialogue is completely unsubstantiated, so take it with a giant cup of salt. Still, if this does happen, I might need a nice cold shower after watching it.

The first picture above is a BTS shot from the fantasy wedding sequence in episode 6 and the second picture is a BTS shot from the Jeju Island shoot this past weekend. For those of you who asked me for permission to re-post and I agreed, you can re-post this if you want, no need to ask again. Otherwise, please link to the post. Thanks!

[Edit: Baidu fans reactions to these unsubstantiated spoilers are hilarious, check out these avatars representing their state-of-mind:

 – nosebleed

– me no comprendo

– crying and cheering simulataneously

 – shy panda

 – nosebleed panda

– anticipating kissy-kissy

– shock and awe

 – drooling panda]

[Credit: original dialogue posted on Baidu Playful Kiss bar, translated into English by me; pictures as marked]

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100 Responses to Rumored Dialogue from the Playful Kiss Wedding Night

  1. ItadakimasU says:

    me again (sorry for spamming…), but I just visited a blog about Joongbo (KHJ and Hwang Bo in WGM), and while some of those fans (Joongboers) are trying to analyse how ‘not affectionate’ KHJ is with JSM in the series (even in intimate scenes) the PKissers cannot get enough and are craving, dreaming, maybe even praying for more intimacy :D. I consider myself both a Joongbo and a PK fan! And I cheer for intimacy between BSJ and OHN :), it’s kind of a fan-service for me i think XD, I approve 😉
    (if fangirls see it more as a way to tingle their love for their idol, it would take a lot of pressure from the actors)

    • v says:

      lol… or joongboers doing that? i didn’t know… LOL..
      for me, i totally could see the affection between them. i’m also a fan of ssangchu couple but the sjxhn relationship is totally credible to me…

  2. donnapie says:

    I think a thousand KHJ fangirls just committed suicide simultaneously… LOL…

    As for me, hearing KHJ say those lines?

    THAT, MY GIRLFRIENDS, IS THE STUFF THAT WOULD FUEL MY DAYDREAMS FOR MONTHS TO COME! (of course i would be in bed with him instead of Oh Ha Ni… wahahaha!)

    • Ami says:

      I’m definitely not among those suicidal thousands.. that’s for sure. In fact, I consider the last episodes of PK as a fanservice to KHJ fans. It’s like watching my fave japanese (male) rockers cozying up to each other on-stage and going berserk over it *cough* ..I wonder if both can be fitted into the same context.. hehe

  3. essbee says:

    OMG. I thought that there were more dialogue after the picture.. and I was like hyper… and then… nothing… 😥
    Still two days to go!!! AHHHHH~~~

  4. memi202 says:

    You are tell me, that Oh Ha Ni is not going to let BSJ have so fun, HUh

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  6. grace says:

    Some Joongboers are like that. If HJ is not paired with HB, they always say he is lacking in this/that, not good enough. So what else is new?? I think HJ is doing very well in PK and I like his chemistry with JSM.

  7. a_fan says:

    btw, luv the avatars. thx for sharing

  8. Carrot Won says:

    LOL at this “Still, if this does happen, I might need a nice cold shower after watching it.” hahaha TRUE! I might do this so if does happen :))
    gyaah this dialogue is making me laugh so hard. I can’t hardly wait to watch the finale after reading these spoilers :)))

  9. ank says:

    Ockoala – Glad I found your blog. Thanks for the translations and also the recaps!!!

    Seungjo: “Forget it. I can’t wait any longer….”

    – shock and awe
    – crying and cheering simulataneously
    – anticipating kissy-kissy
    – blushes

    Wednesday, please come soon!!!!

  10. ~Heather~ says:

    I am sooo sad that I have to wait for this!!! I’m so crying and cheering simulatanenously I luv you for the post!!

  11. ronelyn tedlos says:

    hahaha.. what a funny bed scene! LOL!

  12. wedding says:

    i need a fan right now …

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